Sunday, December 12, 2010

So I might have just a little problem....

I run.  I also do other things, but when I get it in my brain to do something I usually throw myself into it full stop.  I got the itch to run again this fall.  I really love running, I am not really fast, but I like to pile on the miles and do it regularly.  I didn't really miss it when I abandoned it a good 5 years ago.  But, it is like riding a bike.  Throw on the running shoes and hit the road.  Well, living in Western NY, my road work is limited between November and March and sadly I have to resort to Mr. Tready.

Lets talk about roping some innocent bystander into your own private madness.  This happened when my friend said something like, "I'd really like to blah, blah, blah, by Christmas", and I immediately translated that to mean: "Hey, I really would like to do something terribly time consuming and completely out of my element, let's run Chicago next October!!  Hey can you help me get ready?"  So, since I am a friend that is always there to help, I encouraged him to part with some $$ for shoes, treated him to a Nike+ sensor for his birthday, and a couple of running books and threw him a training schedule.  Oddly..... he didn't resist.  Oh yeah, he is one of my most favorite people too!!

Now don't tell him, but since I never really expected him to agree so willingly, I panicked when I had to put together a plan.  You see, I did my first marathon back in 2001 and I absolutely NEVER trained with anyone, did it all by myself and although I did finish, it was probably the least satisfying experience of my life other than being able to say that I did it.  The only time I ever ran with anyone was in some of my 5K or 10K training races.  I sucked!!  I redeemed myself 2 additional times, but I needed to be motivated by someone else now.

I got him to convert to a Mac, Blog and Run (even admitting last week that he "liked" it!!) all in the span of a few months.  I hope to inspire him to feel confident with his progress and reach his goal.  I hope he waits for me at the finish line :-) 

Follow his blog if you get a chance at:
He is a good story teller and is chronicling his journey to his marathon with lots of funny and insightful stories.  The great thing for me having a running partner who is a trained paramedic, firefighter, drummer/singer, cook, among other things, is that I think that some of those things may be good along the way.

Thank you BJR, I <3 U!!

1 comment:

  1. Wait... I was supposed to put up a fight? DARN IT! I always screw that part up!
