Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Funny how "Mom voice" can show up at anytime...

I have been told recently that the fact that I am an only child explains some of my behaviors.....  I am guessing those might be: bossy, know-it-all, entitled, used to getting my way, people pleaser, blah, blah, blah.   The thing that makes me really recognize my singleton status is when I hear my kids (right, plural, 2, one of each) fighting about amount of butter or where they are sitting or a word or, oh God anything.  I just don't get it!  I lived so very quietly in my own little quiet non-screaming or hitting world growing up. I admit to my kids almost every day that I don't have a clue what I am doing with this parenting thing, ask them for forgiveness when I really eff things up and laugh at how I really thought I would be much better at this!  So we scream, slam doors back and forth, occasionally throw nonsensical plastic items from Happy Meals out the window of moving cars, and frequently hug each other until we can't breathe.  We also have a rule that if we are in a fight, if one person can make the other laugh, no matter who, or by whatever method, the fight is over.  Completely.  No going back and re-hashing, just move on and forward.  This has worked well for many years.  I actually like a good fight now and then to see how absolutely dramatic we can get.  I rank pretty high in the drama with the aforementioned throwing of things out moving cars and such.  My daughter has obviously been taking copious notes from observing me in action over the years.  My son is relying on the pointing out of the level of drama in the house to avoid being categorized as a contender!  His witty retorts or lengthy recitation of dialog from Family Guy or GI Joe PSA's usually ends our fights lately.

So, what do this have to do with running?  Well, not a whole bunch.  Except today I was working out after a run (of which I really was not into at all...) doing some core work with my running buddy (who was admittedly "wamped" from coming off nights).  I have been doing a lot of other things that are sapping me of stamina: spinning, skiing, working (yuck).  I did a strength ride early in the morning and today was a scheduled 2.0 miler.  I was waiting for my friend to show up and he was caught in the resulting traffic from normal our Western NY winter weather, so I started my run without him.  I only can barely tolerate the treadmill if I am with someone, and we have some good smack talk and banter going on for these runs, so they are not so bad.

I put together this BOSU core exercise workout last week.  I introduced the exercises last Friday and promptly felt muscles hurt that I didn't know I had and I work out a lot.  I think I got a text from my friend that said something like, "I hurt from my chest down to my knees".  I felt the same.  I think I might not have told him that, because I am still trying to impress him with all my "great ideas".  Also, we absolutely try not to let the other know if we really hate something, because that is just an invitation for us to have to do A LOT more of whatever it is. 

So we did some tri-dips and then broke out the BOSU and I did squats moving across it.  He did some little dance-y thing slightly resembling something from a step class.  I did it right then.  I broke out with the "No!!"  In full "Mom Voice Tone".  You know what I am talking about.  That disgusted, exasperated, "No" that you have uttered yourself as a parent or been on the receiving end of at one time or another.  I think I really meant to say, "Well, not exactly, why don't you watch me again and see if you have questions while I patiently demonstrate this to you as many times as necessary."  I think it was a turning point in our relationship where I could just be a bi-otch LOL!  I laughed about it immediately when I saw his face.  Did I mention he is one of my favorite peeps? 


  1. I don't know about it being a "turning point" but it was pretty funny. Can I come out of time out now?

  2. Okay. I think yesterday was just a bad one all around! Me being snarky and you being tired. All good!!
